

(Sum of Arithmetic & Geometric Series)


R.B.Nelsonの"Proofs Without Words" [4, 5]、及び ConwayとGuyの"The Book of Numbers" [2] には、簡単な総和を
ベルヌーイ数については [3 ,7] を参考にして詳しく説明する。
[1, 6, 8] は一般的な読みものとしてお勧めする。

整数の総和、整数の二乗、三乗、M乗の総和 (Sum of natural numbers, squared , cubed and raised to the m-th power)

  1. 等間隔に並べられた N個の数の総和    (Sum of N equally spaced numbers)

  2. 整数の二乗の総和 1~N2    (Sum of N integers squared)

  3. 整数の三乗の総和 1~N3    (Sum of N integers cubed)

  4. 整数のM乗の総和 1~Nm, (m ≥ 4)    (Sum of N integers raised to the M-th power)

等比級数 (Geomteric Series)

  1. 無限級数 比率=1/4 の総和    (Sum of infinite geometric series    r = 1/4 case)

参考文献 (References)

  1. Wells, David: The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting GEOMETRY. London,England: Penguin Books, p.198, 1991.(Out of print)

  2. Conway,J.H., Guy,R.K.: The Book of Numbers. Springer-Verlag,New York, pp.27-62, 1995.

  3. Young,Robert M.: Excursions in Calculus. Mathematical Association of America. 1992.

  4. Nelson,R.B. : Proofs Without Words: Exercises in Visual Thinking. MAA, p.69,71,72,77,87,122 1993.

  5. Nelson,R.B. : Proofs Without Words II: More Exercises in Visual Thinking. MAA,p.111 ,2000.

  6. Heath, Sir L.H.: A manual of Greek Mathematics. Dover Edition ,1963. pp. 36-50 ,Originally published in 1931.

  7. Smith, David Eugene: A Source Book in Mathematics. Dover, 1959. Originally pulished in 1929.

  8. Wells, David: The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting NUMBERS. London,England: Penguin Books, p.85, 1986.


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