

卵の形状の描き方--ストリング アート
(Drawing Egg Shape--String art)

話題 - 一覧

  1. 全ての曲線は多数の円で構成される

  2. 本物の鶏卵の描き方

  3. 数多くある鳥の卵の形


  1. Dixon, Robert: Mathographics. New York: Dover Publications, p.3-11,75-78,159 1987.

  2. Walters, Michael : Bird's Eggs-Eyewitness Handbooks. D.K. Publishing,London, 1994.

  3. Baicich,P.J. and Harrison,C.J.O : A Guide to the Nests,Eggs,and Nestlings of North American Birds. Academic Press, 1997.

  4. Palmer,Ralph : A Handbook on North American Birds,Loons Through Flamingos . Yale Univ, p 170 & 206, 1962.

  5. Yates,Robert C. : A Handbook on Curves and their Properties. J.W.Edwards,Ann Arbor, p 170 & 206, 1947.

  6. Lockwood,E.R. : A Book of Curves. Cambridge Univ.,London, p.99, first published in 1961.


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Copyright 2006 Takaya Iwamoto   All rights reserved.